Thursday, 20 February 2014

Tiny motors controlled inside human cell

Nanomotors exist in nature too, like this example
from the tail of a bacterium
For the first time, scientists have placed tiny
motors inside living human cells and steered
them magnetically.
The advance represents another step towards
molecular machines that can be used, for
example, to release drugs into specific locations
within the body.
There is interest in the approach because it could
enhance the benefits of drugs while minimising
side effects.
The rocket-shaped metal particles were propelled
using ultrasound pulses.
Materials scientist Prof Tom Mallouk, from Penn
State University, and colleagues have published
their research in the journal Angewandte Chemie
International Edition .
"As these nanomotors move around and bump
into structures inside the cells, the live cells show
internal mechanical responses that no one has
seen before," said Prof Mallouk.
"This research is a vivid demonstration that it
may be possible to use synthetic nanomotors to
study cell biology in new ways."
This microscope image of a cell shows some of
the gold-ruthenium nanomotors
Up until now, nanomotors have been studied only
"in vitro" - in laboratory apparatus - but not in
living human cells.
At low ultrasonic power, the nanomotors had little
effect on these cells. But when the power was
increased, the nanomotors surged into action,
zooming around and bumping into organelles -
structures within the cell that perform specific
The nanomotors could be used as "egg beaters"
to essentially homogenise the cell's contents, or
act as battering rams to puncture the cell
"We might be able to use nanomotors to treat
cancer and other diseases by mechanically
manipulating cells from the inside," said Prof
In addition, he said: "Nanomotors could perform
intracellular surgery and deliver drugs non-
invasively to living tissues."
The researchers were able to steer the tiny
motors with magnetic forces.
The scientists also found that the nanomotors
could move autonomously - independently of one
another - an ability that is important for future
Destructive forces
"Autonomous motion might help nanomotors
selectively destroy the cells that engulf them,"
Prof Mallouk explained.
"If you want these motors to seek out and
destroy cancer cells, for example, it's better to
have them move independently. You don't want a
whole mass of them going in one direction."
Describing the potential uses of nanomotor
technology, the Penn State professor invoked a
1966 science fiction film in which a submarine
and its human crew are miniaturised and injected
into the blood-stream of a dying man in order to
save him.
"One dream application of ours is Fantastic
Voyage-style medicine, where nanomotors would
cruise around inside the body, communicating
with each other and performing various kinds of
diagnoses and therapy.
"There are lots of applications for controlling
particles on this small scale."
The idea of molecular-scale surgery can be
traced back to a lecture by celebrated physicist
Richard Feynman in 1959 called "There is plenty
of room at the bottom".
In the talk to the American Physical Society
(APS), he explained: "Although it is a very wild
idea, it would be interesting in surgery if you
could swallow the surgeon.
"You put the mechanical surgeon inside the blood
vessel and it goes into the heart and 'looks'
around. It finds out which valve is the faulty one


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