According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, around 1 in 6 children in the US had
a developmental disability, including intellectual
disabilities, in 2006-2008. Now, new research
suggests that gender and genes could play a part
in delayed language development - with boys at
greater risk than girls.
This is according to a study recently published in
the International Journal of Language and
Communication Disorders .
To reach their findings, the researchers, including
Eivind Ystrøm of the Norwegian Institute of Public
Health and senior author of the study, analyzed
data from questionnaires completed by mothers
who were a part of the Norwegian Mother and
Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
The study included 10,587 children who were
followed from week 17 of gestation up to 5 years
of age.
At 3 and 5 years, the investigators divided the
children into three groups.
The first group consisted of children with
persistent delayed language development that
was present at 3 and 5 years old.
The second group was made up of children with
transient delayed language development that was
present at 3 years old only, while the third group
consisted of children with delayed language
development that was first identified at 5 years of
Boys ' at greater biological risk' of language
disorders than girls
The researchers found that the persistent and
transient delayed language development groups
were mainly made up of boys.
Explaining why this is, Ystrøm says that boys are
at greater biological risk for development
disorders while in the womb (in utero) than girls.
He notes that past studies assessing the levels of
testosterone in amniotic fluid have shown levels
that demonstrate an association with the
development of autism and language disorders.
Ystrøm adds that in general, boys are later in
language development than girls.
However, he points out that the majority of boys
catch up with language development during the
first year, meaning that many boys at risk of
persistent and transient language disorders may
be rid of them before school age.
The research team did not find any association
with gender in the third group, which had
language difficulties that arose between the ages
of 3 and 5 years, suggesting another factor must
be at play.
History of reading and writing difficulties in the
family ' a risk factor '
The investigators say previous research has
shown that genes play an important role in the
language development of children, and that
different genes are involved in various language
The researchers hypothesize that both a child's
genes and the outside environment a child is
exposed to can play a role in the late
development of language disorders.
"We show for the first time that reading and
writing difficulties in the family can be the main
reason why a child has a speech delay that first
begins between 3 to 5 years of age," says Ystrøm.
"Reading and writing difficulties in the family are
the predominant risk factors for late-onset
language difficulties. We see no language
problems when the child is between 18 months
and 3 years old. They are latent."
The researchers say that parents, health care
workers and child carers should ensure they are
aware of how a child is progressing in language
Ystrøm notes that in particular, they should look
out for children who suddenly begin to experience
language difficulties after the age of 3 years.
He adds:
stresses that any parent who has concerns about
their child's language development should talk to
their doctor as soon as possible, as well as
ensure their child has regular check-ups regarding
their language development between the ages of 3
and 5 years.
The researchers conclude that they hope to
conduct further research looking at the
association between gender and language
Medical News today recently reported on a study
suggesting that preterm babies exposed to adult
speech demonstrate better language skills later
Written by Honor Whiteman
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