Saturday 15 February 2014

Somalia newsUS forces launch missile strike against Al Shabaab leader in Somalia

Abdukadir Mohammed Abdukadir, alias Ikrima, who was targeted in an abortive US raid in Somalia, is believed to have spent time in Britain after a failed asylum request in Norway
he US military has launched a missile strike in Somalia targeting a suspected Al Shabaab militant leader.

One of the officials said an unmanned drone launched the missile in the late evening hours, but declined to confirm the suspect's identity or whether the strike was successful.
The US government has "been tracking this guy for years," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
A second US official said the strike in the southeastern port town of Barawe "was against a senior Shebab commander."
"The US is assessing the results of the operation" to determine if the suspect was killed, the official added.


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